Who We Serve

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Milton Adult Day Services provides a therapeutic activities-based program designed to serve adults with the following conditions:

  • Illness, injury or surgery recovery
  • Socially isolated
  • Dementia
  • Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, etc.
  • Decrease in physical, mental, or social functioning
  • Alzheimer’s Disease

The staff at Milton Adult Day Services will be happy to help you decide if our day center meets your loved one’s needs. We offer free assessments by appointment to determine your loved one’s level of functioning as well as individual and family needs.

In order for staff to be able to meet the physical and emotional needs of your loved one, the following criteria must be met:

  • Participant must be able to feed him or herself
  • Participant must be able to communicate his or her needs
  • Participant must be able to transfer from chair/wheelchair/toilet in a safe manner with the assistance of one staff member
  • Participant must be able to function in a group setting without aggressive or disruptive behavior

In order to meet Indiana State Guidelines, the following must be obtained prior to admission:

  • A negative TB test within the last three months, or
  • A chest x-ray free of communicable disease in the last six months

All services at Milton Adult Day Services are provided without regard to race, age, color, religion, sex, disability, national origin or ancestry.


Attendance is flexible and determined according to the needs of the participant and family. Planned attendance should consist of at least two half-day (5 hours) periods per week. This will enable the participant to become oriented to his or her new surroundings and avoid undue anxiety or stress from a new situation. Full days range from more than six (6) hours to nine (9) hours, (7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.).

Assistance is available to help you find transportation, if needed.

Admission Information

Milton Adult Day Services has been a God-send. Mother loves coming and I desperately needed some time for myself. Mother lives with me so nursing home placement so far has not been an issue.