Our Services
Milton Adult Day Services, a service of Center for Hospice Care, provides a structured setting to adults who need health, social, and support services during the day. This community-based service is designed to meet the individual needs of functionally impaired adults who require supervision during the day. Milton Adult Day Services promises to be respectful, offer opportunities for an enhanced quality of life, and assure your loved one’s safety.
Our day center program provides interventions and services to help delay the progression of the participant’s existing disability and maintain or improve the individual’s health, level of functioning, and independence. Attendance enables participants to continue living in their own home and community, while therapeutic activities and holistic care enhance their quality of life.
Our services include:
- Safe and secure environment
- Health monitoring and medication administration supervised by a Registered Nurse
- Level of functioning assessments
- Individualized plan of care based on level of functioning, family goals, and interests/past life’s work
- Planned therapeutic activities:
- Pet therapy
- Art and music therapy
- Daily exercise
- Intergenerational programs
- Entertainment, parties, and special events
- Crafts, ceramics, and wood working
- Cooking club
- Manicures
- Table games and cards
- Ping-pong and indoor/outdoor physical games
- Health and safety education to improve level of functioning and independence
- Spiritual Program
- Noon meal and nutritious snacks
- Assistance with personal care needs
- Community referrals for additional services
- Transportation referrals available
Additional Services provided for a nominal fee:
- Showers
- Shaves
“My mother is
improving greatly since coming here. She is back to dressing herself once more.” -RR